Izzet is one of the ten Ravnica Guilds in Magic: The Gathering. Izzet's identifies with Blue and Red and encompasses strategies such as prowess and spellslinging. Typically, Izzet focuses on generating value from playing numerous instant and sorcery cards. Also, Creature cards featuring the Kindred typing of Wizard and Pirate align with Izzet.
In my recent TCGplayer Infinite article, 5 More Izzet MTG Cards You Should Be Playing in Commander, I discuss five Izzet cards worth your consideration in the 99 of an MTG Commander deck. You may want to try experimenting with Slick Sequence or Stella Lee, Wild Card in a UR Commander deck. Magic: The Gathering's Dimir guild is one of the ten Ravnica guilds in the game. Dimir represents the color combination of blue and black and is often associated with milling, tutoring, and card draw. Two mechanics found on Dimir cards include Surveil and Transmute. You may find Dimir creature cards with Ninja, Faerie, and other Kindred typing.
In my recent TCGplayer Infinite article, 5 More Dimir MTG Cards You Should be Playing in Commander, I discuss five excellent Dimir cards to play in the 99 of Commander decks. Cards like Ertai Resurrected and Waterlogged Teachings can synergy well with multiple Commander deck themes. Read the article to learn what other cards you need to try out in a UB Commander deck. Magic: The Gathering's Planeswalker card type is well-known by players. Since 2007, planeswalkers have become mainstay card types in set releases. Several planeswalkers including The Wanderering Emperor and Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord have dominated various Constructed formats. More recently, Wizards of the Coast took a step back from introducing new planeswalkers due to many of them losing their spark in the March of the Machine storyline. However, planeswalkers continue to find their way into Standard sets and Commander Precon Decks.
In my TCGplayer Infinite article, 6 More Planeswalker MTG Cards You Should Be Playing in Commander, I discuss six planeswalkers worth considering in the 99 of Commander decks. You should not overlook the powerful Commander synergies of Lolth, Spider Queen, Nahiri, Heir of the Ancients, and other playable planeswalkers. Wizards of the Coast introduced the Set Booster for Magic: The Gathering in 2020. Set Boosters were created to improve the player experience of opening booster packs. Various sets released between Zendikar Rising and The Lost Caverns of Ixalan offered Set Boosters. Unlike Draft Boosters, Set Boosters cannot used for Limited play due to its card slot design.
During the product run of Set Boosters, WOTC began adding exclusive, regular version cards only found in Set Boosters. These exclusive cards cater to MTG Commander players and provide a bevy of interesting abilities. In my recent article, 5 MTG Set Booster Exclusive Cards You Should Be Playing in Commander, I discuss five playable Set Booster exclusive cards worth trying in the 99 of Commander decks. Read the article to see which Set Booster exclusive cards stand out from the rest. |
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